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MY Sports Club Story: Evan


MY Sports Club Story: Evan

In our ongoing MY Sports Club Story series, we are thrilled to spotlight Evan, a dedicated member of New York Sports Club. Evan's fitness journey, marked by determination and transformative results, provides a glimpse into the incredible stories that unfold within the walls of NYSC. 

Which Club are you a member of and how long have you been a member of NYSC?
I am fortunate enough to have access to all locations. However, I mostly frequent the 3rd Avenue location because it is one block away from my place of work. It's very convenient. I have been a member of NYSC for about 7 or 8 months now and have thoroughly enjoyed my experience thus far. 

Why did you decide to join?
I was ready to move on from the last place I worked out at for multiple reasons and have been happy that I decided to change. I feel as though the quality of my workouts has only improved since I made the switch to NYSC!

Can you tell us about your health + fitness journey?
I come from a family where education about nutrition and health wasn't a priority. Both sides of my family have histories of high blood pressure, diabetes, heart issues, etc. When the COVID pandemic hit, I was morbidly obese at around 250 pounds. When I unfortunately lost an aunt to COVID, something inside of me woke up and I turned my health around. I started making better decisions about my nutrition and moving a lot more. Since then, I have lost almost 100 pounds and have put on a noticeable amount of muscle, and I have been super happy and proud of my transformation. I go into detail about my story (including my binge eating disorder) in my weight loss story video that is uploaded to YouTube.

What is your favorite part about NYSC and what keeps you coming back?
The quality of the equipment, the cleanliness, the warm and welcoming staff, and even my fellow gym goers who are just as motivated to be the best versions of themselves as I am about myself. When I see other motivated people, it keeps me motivated. 

What is your favorite activity to do at NYSC?
I finally got to use the pool at the Midtown location recently. I would love to continue to take advantage of that since it's the nearest location with a pool.

Do you have a favorite memory at NYSC?
My favorite memory thus far at NYSC was getting the opportunity to use the InBody Scan for the first time. I decided to do it at the beginning of the new year to see where I am and how far I've come. I was so happy with my results and numbers and I can't wait to see my progression going forward.

What advice would you give someone looking to start their fitness journey?
My advice for anyone looking to start their own fitness journey is to first assess their nutrition. As they say "you can't outwork a bad diet." Assess your eating habits and see where you can make adjustments. From there, you can work on your actual exercise routines according to your own goals. I have a newfound passion for nutrition and fitness and hope to become a certified coach one day. I cannot wait to pass on any wisdom from my own personal experience and education to others. 

You can contact your local Club to learn more about an InBody body composition analysis as part of your complimentary My Club Intro.

Do you have a story about how our Club has helped improve life outside our Club? Submit your MY Sports Club Story here.