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MY Sports Club Story: Jessica



We’re excited to feature our inspiring NYSC Group Fitness instructor, Jessica, as part of our MY Sports Club Story Series. She brings energy and enthusiasm to our NYSC family. With a passion for fitness that started with a twist, Jessica has become an integral part of our community helping NYC members stay social while getting fun, challenging workouts in.

How long have you been part of the NYSC family?

I started subbing classes at NYSC around 2020 and added permanent classes in Midtown East Fall, 2022

What classes do you teach at NYSC?

I teach Les Mills formats - BODYPUMP, BODYCOMBAT, & BODYBALANCE.

BODYPUMP is a strength endurance class that uses barbells and plates to work all muscle groups with functional and compound exercises. It's great for getting a cardio and strength workout all in one!

BODYCOMBAT is a cardio class that requires zero equipment. It is great for practicing coordination and generating speed and power through non-contact mixed martial arts-inspired moves. 

BODYBALANCE is a mind body class that blends Tai Chi, Yoga, and Pilates. Its great for slowing down ehile challenging strength, and balance, and becoming more graceful. 

All of these Les Mills classes are set to awesome music that make working out fun so we can "Choose Happy" as our workout and look forward to the next class!

What inspired you to be a group fitness instructor?

My mom inspired me to explore group fitness because she would go to the gym 2x/day and regularly take classes. I remember my first class was a yoga class. I showed up expecting Yogurt but instead found myself in a backwards bend 😅

What do you love most about group fitness at NYSC?

The participants in my classes are so fun and inviting. We love welcoming new joiners to class and making it a social experience in addition to the great workout. Come join us!

What is your favorite thing about NYSC?

I love that NYSC is staying up to date on everything fitness. The renovations in NYC include new Les Mills equipment like the Smart bars at W94th St. and recovery equipment like the hydro-massage chairs at E23rd St. There are also opportunities to grow as instructors - NYSC recently held an Instructor Workshop this fall as a way to get instructors together and upskill.

How does being a fitness instructor improve your everyday life?

Finding fitness that I love has helped fitness be a necessity in my life. I look forward to my workouts and consider them part of my physical AND mental well-being. 

Do you have any advice for someone considering trying Groupx classes?

Try the Les Mills approach called Smart Start. This means trying out about half of the class and giving yourself permission to leave after that with the intention of staying a bit longer next time. After doing this a few times you'll be doing the whole workout with full autonomy and finding the right balance between challenge and confidence. The workout is for you so make it work for you! 

To stick with your workout intentions it's also super helpful to find a social support group. Make friends in class, introduce yourself to the instructor, calendar your workouts, and lay out your clothes the day before. Set yourself up for success to just arrive, that's the hardest part. Once you've landed, the workout takes care of itself at NYSC! 😊

Catch class with Jess at our East 41St and East 45th St. Club:

NYSC E 45th Streeet



NYSC E 41st Street


6:30 pm BODYPUMP





Do you have a story about how our Club has helped improve life outside our Club? Submit your MY Sports Club Story here.