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MY Sports Club Story: Rachel


MY Sports Club Story: Rachel

Meet Rachel, one of our dedicated Group Exercise Specialists and GEX Instructors. Rachel's journey with NYSC began in 2016, marking her entry into the world of instructing while embracing her passion for movement. Over the years, Rachel has evolved within the NYSC family, transitioning into her current role as a GEX Specialist, a leadership position that allows her to amplify her impact. In this edition of MY Sports Club Story, Rachel shares her passion for inclusivity, her transformative fitness journey, and her invaluable life lessons. Dive into her story to uncover the motivation, empowerment, and joy fueling her commitment to her personal growth and the well-being of others.

What is your role at NYSC and how long have you been part of the team?

Group Exercise Specialist and GEX Instructor! I have been with the company since 2016. It was my first Instructor job, And I have been in my current role as a GEX Specialist for a year and a half. Being able to grow with the company to now be in a leadership role, and still get to do what I love has been amazing. It has taught me so much about myself, and given me opportunities I never thought I'd have. 

What is your favorite part about NYSC?

The Community of members and inclusivity. Fitness really is for Every BODY here at NYSC. I have made long-lasting friendships with members and built something I am proud of. As a plus-size instructor, it feels amazing to be accepted by your members, peers, and team to just be who you are. 

 What are your favorite activities to do at NYSC?

I love to teach and take BODYPUMP from my fellow instructors, take dance in their classes, and when doing my own workouts hit the squat racks and lift heavy! 

Why do you work out? How does working out make you feel both inside + outside of the gym?

I work out because it challenges me to find new things my body can do. I love to feel powerful after I accomplish something new. I am also a dancer so cross-training is essential. I love to feel the results physically and mentally as I get stronger. It’s become a huge part of my mental health, and keeps me remembering fitness is not always about a physical change. 

Do you have advice for someone starting their fitness journey?

Just go for it. Know there is someone else in the same place you are that might be afraid to start their journey. I was there once, and for a while, I only did fitness as I thought I "should" do it, but not for me.  When I found the joy in it for me, that’s when I saw success. Know you aren't alone, and lean on your community in fitness. Let go of the judgment of yourself and that of others, and do what makes you feel good. 

Know you are enough! 

Best piece of advice you've ever received?

Stop measuring success based on other people's successes, and remember that success looks different for everyone. You are capable of so much more than you think when you don't doubt yourself and your passion.

Do you have a story about how our Club has helped improve life outside our Club? Submit your MY Sports Club Story here.