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MY Sports Club Story: Helena


MY Sports Club Story: Helena

We’re bringing you another MY Sports Club Story feature with our inspiring Oceanside member, Helena. She is breaking misconceptions about working out with chronic illnesses, sharing her passion for Zumba, and how she’s found a supportive community at NYSC. 

Why did you choose NYSC and what keeps you coming back?

At the time it was proximity. I had just moved after a tumultuous part of my life and I was looking to rekindle my sense of community through health and fitness in the most convenient way possible. I work remotely because of the multiple illnesses I manage, so once I got my doctor's okay to be part of a fitness community, I sought it out. This was the closest health club to my home. It started that simply, but I keep coming back because I have found a wonderful community of friends and supporters at NYSC. 

Tell us about your fitness journey.

I have been diagnosed with multiple chronic illnesses ranging from an auto-immune disease, fibromyalgia, asthma, and a kidney disorder. I've been managing some of these since my teen years and spent a lot of my twenties grieving the functional body I was "supposed" to have, but didn't. I had a traumatic health crisis with these issues a few years ago at 36, that almost cost me my life. So fitness has always been a bit of a struggle, but also a necessity. Keeping a fitness routine is a delicate balance because I must always be attuned to what my body is telling me, and understand my limits.  Working out never gets easier for me, I don't see improvements in my capacity the way other people do, and it's never pain-free. That's why it's important to me to do something I enjoy to stay as healthy as I can. 

How does NYSC play a role in this journey?

It's all about the people. They create a safe space for me to be who I am, and show up however I am able, without comparison, judgment, and fear. Mental health is important for everyone, but with physical illnesses like mine, I think it poses extra challenges in that respect. It's easy for depression to creep in when you're grieving your own body. So, sometimes the physical challenge is worth it because of the mental benefits it provides to be around such a great group of people who make working out a positive and supportive experience. They've all been super open to learning about my disabilities which has been such an eye-opening experience for all of us - for them because I am living proof you can't judge a book by its cover (you'd never know by looking at me most of the time that I have serious illnesses), and for me, because I am slowly learning to trust people enough to share what I'm going through without feeling like it makes me weaker, vulnerable, or subject to judgment. 

What are your favorite types of workouts to do at NYSC?

I'm a Zumba fanatic. My doctors have approved me to do this, provided I wear braces and am careful with how strenuous I get. I do most of my strength training at home to lower my risk of exposure to contagions because I am immunocompromised. I am a member of NYSC solely to dance! I recently got my Zumba license and I'm excited to start teaching myself soon so I can show people that it's possible to show up and do whatever is your best. I embrace my illnesses now - that wasn't always the case. But now I am comfortable admitting they are a part of who I am, and how I approach fitness is framed around it. I am hoping by teaching my own dance fitness classes that I can help others find joy in fitness, and learn to balance whatever hand they've been dealt without it defeating their ability to have fun while staying healthy.

On days I'm so fatigued or nights when I'm in so much pain I want to give up, knowing my NYSC community is there makes me want to pick myself up and try my best, which I now know is enough. ❤️

We are honored to share Helena’s Sports Club Story and hope this helps break the stigma against invisible chronic illnesses. We’d love to feature YOU in our MY Sports Club Story Series. If you want to share you can do so here.