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MY Sports Club Story: Kristin

Written by New York Sports Club | Jan 12, 2024 11:01:02 PM

MY Sports Club Story: Kristin

Meet Kristin, our incredible NYSC group fitness instructor who taught classes until she was 39 weeks pregnant, now balancing the exhilarating journey of fitness and new motherhood. 

She was inspired to join our team after a decade of experiencing the positive impact of group fitness. Her dedication to movement didn't halt during pregnancy; instead, she embraced daily activities and tailored exercises that supported her well-being. She even taught her group fitness classes practically up until her daughter was born! Post-pregnancy, she has been focusing on gradually reintegrating into her fitness routine, celebrating every milestone along the way, and is already back teaching her classes at NYSC!

How long have you been part of the NYSC family? 

I joined the team in January of 2019.

What inspired you to be a group fitness instructor?

I was inspired to become a group fitness instructor after nearly a decade of experiencing firsthand the positive effects of shared motivation and support within a group fitness setting. This ignited my desire to guide others on their fitness journeys and establish an environment where individuals can collectively achieve their goals.

What classes do you teach at NYSC and can you tell us more about them? 


BODYPUMP is a weightlifting class that focuses on lighter weights and high repetitions to build overall strength. 

BODYCOMBAT is a high-energy, non-contact, mixed martial arts workout. 

BODYBALANCE is a yoga-based class that will improve your mind and body. 

Each class offers an incredible workout, especially in conjunction with one another. 

What do you love most about group fitness at NYSC?

What I love most about group fitness at NYSC is the sense of community it creates. It's incredible to witness individuals coming together, supporting each other, and pushing their limits as a unified group. The connections formed within the group extend beyond the workout, making fitness not only a physical activity but a collective experience where everyone can succeed on their fitness journey. 

What do you love most about NYSC in general? 

What I love most about New York Sports Club is the well-rounded fitness experience it offers. The combination of state-of-the-art equipment, a diverse range of classes, and a supportive community ensures that each individual, regardless of fitness level, can find the resources and support they need to achieve success.

How did you incorporate movement and stay motivated to work out/teach during your pregnancy?

During my pregnancy, I prioritized daily movement for both physical and mental benefits. Since I chose to teach up until my due date, listening to my body was key- I prioritized activities that felt comfortable and tailored exercises to accommodate the changes in my body. Alongside my regular classes, I incorporated pelvic floor exercises and daily walks in the park. This commitment to staying active not only enhanced my physical well-being, especially when it came to labor and recovery, but also played a significant role in maintaining a positive mindset throughout my pregnancy.

How has it been getting back into your routine post-pregnancy?

Returning to my exercise routine post-pregnancy has been a journey of patience and self-care. I've embraced a gradual approach, prioritizing exercises that support my postpartum recovery and rebuilding core strength.  I've focused on listening to my body, easing back into workouts, and celebrating small victories- such as making the time to get a quick workout in with a newborn!

How does being a fitness instructor improve your everyday life + mom life?

Being a fitness instructor profoundly influences both my everyday life and mom life. The energy I get from teaching fitness classes not only enhances my overall well-being but also positively impacts my mental health, enabling me to be a more active and engaged parent.

Additionally, the supportive community within the fitness world has proven invaluable, offering a network that contributes to a more balanced and fulfilling life, both as an instructor and a mom.

Do you have any advice for other new moms and moms-to-be?

My advice for new moms and moms-to-be is to prioritize self-care. Carving out time for yourself allows you to recharge and be a more engaged, active parent. Incorporate exercises and activities you enjoy, surround yourself with a supportive community, and do not underestimate the power of rest. Patience is crucial – your body has gone through incredible changes, so give yourself the time and grace to recover. Remember, taking care of yourself ultimately benefits both you and your little one. It's not selfish – it's a vital part of being the best parent you can be!

Do you have a story about how our Club has helped improve life outside our Club? Submit your MY Sports Club Story here.