Club News

How to Prepare for the MURPH Challenge

Written by New York Sports Club | Apr 27, 2023 5:51:06 PM

After completing this program, you should be ready to rock for your Murph Challenge! As a reminder, the best way to achieve these results will be to work with a professional leading up to it. Reach out to the nearest NYSC club and inquire about personal trainers that can help you prepare. 

So you’ve signed up for a “Murph” and now you’re wondering how to best prepare for the challenge. Whether it is your first, second, or 10th time participating in this challenge we’re breaking down a 4-week training program designed by NYSC Trainers to get you ready.  But first, let’s quickly go over the meaning behind this Memorial Day Challenge.

What is a "Murph"?

The Murph is a famous CrossFit WOD (workout of the day), that honors the life of Lieutenant Michael Murphy from Patchogue, NY, who died serving in Afghanistan in 2005. The Murph workout is done for time and consists of the following: 

  • One-mile run
  • 100 pull-ups
  • 200 push-ups
  • 300 squats
  • One-mile run

Here’s the kicker though, it’s all done while wearing a weighted vest or body armor! While that is the typical Murph, NYSC is also offering scaled versions for those that want to participate but may not be at the point in their fitness journey to handle the full version. You’ll have the opportunity to pick the version that best suits you.

How to prepare?

In this section, we will break down the exact 4-week protocol to follow to ensure you are best prepared for the upcoming challenge. The program will be based on those doing the full version, however, we will have adaptations for all levels. 

Step 1: Testing

The first step is to see where your baseline level of skill and conditioning is at. This can also give an indication of which version of the workout you should prepare for. Testing does not need to be just doing the Murph workout in full, but instead breaking down the workout into its pieces to see where our baseline is at with each piece.  The following tests should be performed:

  1. Mile Run Test: Run a mile, time it, and evaluate performance. How do you feel after the mile? Did you finish within 10 minutes? These can be good indicators of what needs to be the focus for the next 4 weeks and how well you’ll handle performing after running a mile.
  2. Pull up/Push up Test: See where these movements are at. It can be as simple as trying to do as many pull ups and push ups in a row as possible. We should be shooting for at least 5 in a row of each to be considering the non-weighted version and at least 10 in a row of each to be considering the weighted version of the workout. If not then the scaled version could be your best bet.
  3. Squat Test: How many air squats in a row can you do before stopping? This movement will be the least barrier to entry in regards to skill but still can be a movement that we improve our efficiency in to get through it better and faster. The better we squat, the more efficient the movement and the less energy we use per rep. It will be important to note how we feel after our max rep effort, how the body feels while squatting, and if we feel limited in a particular area that could use more attention during the 4 week's preparation period.

Step 2: Programming

In this section, we will outline an exact program to follow to ensure the best possible results in the upcoming Murph. Remember to take into account how testing went and then scale the workouts appropriately. For example, any pull up exercise can be subbed out for ring/TRX rows and any push up can be adapted to incline push ups as needed. A few important pieces to note are the program's mobility and recovery components. Make sure to do the mobility routine before the skills day and feel free to utilize it any time of the week. You can contact your Club Manager to set up your weekly recovery session utilizing our state-of-the-art Normatec and Hypervolt technology perfect for making sure your legs and body are ready to perform week to week!  Otherwise, you can incorporate foam rolling into your mobility routine or go for a walk as an excellent option for your recovery day.



After completing this program, you should be ready to rock for your Murph Challenge! As a reminder, the best way to achieve these results will be to work with a professional leading up to it. Reach out to the nearest NYSC club and inquire about personal trainers that can help you prepare.